The overall aim of this project is to take maximum advantage of the data of the GRACE and GRACE-FO missions and derive the best possible time-variable gravity field with monthly and daily solution. We anticipate an increased spatial resolution and a reduction of systematic errors due to improved background modelling and co-estimation of geophysical and instrumental parameters. We will follow two approaches:
- the GROOPS software will be adapted to handle both LRI and KBR data side by side;
- the extended acceleration approach will be implemented in order to test the aforementioned benefit of the additional condition equations.
We further hypothesise that the gravity field solution can be improved by advancing stochastic modelling, co-estimating ocean tide parameters and refine instrument parametrisation. The project tackles the ongoing challenge of achieving the GRACE (and in future GRACE-FO) baseline accuracy.

Objectives of C04 - Gravity Field Solution by Exploiting the Full Potential of GRACE Follow-On
- Establish the gravity field analysis from GRACE Follow-On (GRACE-FO)
- Implement the extended acceleration approach for both the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE-FO missions
- Co-estimate ocean tide and instrument parameters in order to reduce their systematic impact. Enhance the empirical stochastic error modelling by considering the spatiotemporal error behaviour.
- Evolve the understanding of the spatiotemporal sampling and derive rule-ofthumbs for time-variable gravity signals.